We’ve always stressed how important an emergency fund is to your finances. If you don’t have six months of expenses saved, you could be in trouble if something unforeseen happens, like losing your job or you experience a major medical event. If you’re falling short of that savings goal, it might be time to consider a side hustle. You can work the job until your emergency fund is replenished, then move on. Or, continue to work and cushion it a little more, or pay off some debt. Here are some of the best side gigs to earn extra cash.

1. Online Surveys

You can get paid to take online surveys at sites like Branded Surveys. The pay isn’t much, but do enough of them and it will add up. You can also do this one sitting on your couch! Set aside a small chunk of time each night to chip away at some surveys.

2. Website Testing

You can test websites and apps for some cash at places like User Testing. The site gathers a wide variety of items that need to be tested, so it’s a one-stop shop.

3. Ride Sharing

Uber, Lyft, and other companies are always in need of drivers. If you don’t mind driving, this is an easy way to make some extra cash. You can also drive when it’s convenient for you. You make your own schedule. Before you jump in, check with your car insurance company to see if you need any additional coverage for ridesharing.

4. Food Delivery

Speaking of driving, you can make some quick cash delivering restaurant orders through services like Grubhub and DoorDash. Again, you can make your own schedule and pick up delivery orders when you’re available.

5. Pet Sitting

If you like animals, sign up to be a pet sitter through a service like Rover. You can get paid to watch someone’s dog at their house or you can have the pet stay with you. You can set preferences for what type of animal you want to watch, and adjust your own schedule.

6. Online Tutoring

Have any special skills you’d like to share with others? You can tutor online and get paid for it via sites like Tutor Ocean.

7. Package Delivery

You can get paid to deliver Amazon packages through their Amazon Flex Program. The best thing about this is the “flex” part. You can sign up for blocks of time, and then deliver packages during your available times only.

8. Sell Your Stuff

Sites like Poshmark or Mercari make it easy to sell everything from clothes to knick-knacks. It takes just a few minutes to set up a seller’s account. Then, just snap a few pictures of your item, list it, and you’re ready to sell!


Other ideas like selling your art or crafts online, or offering a service like mowing lawns, are also easy ways to make some extra money. Whether you want to stash some extra cash or pay off debt, side hustles are a great way to reach your savings goals. We encourage you to find one that fits your needs!


Each individual’s financial situation is unique and readers are encouraged to contact the Credit Union when seeking financial advice on the products and services discussed. This article is for educational purposes only; the authors assume no legal responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the contents.